Friday, May 29, 2015

When your Frog turns out to be ... a frog

Anyone who knows me knows that I have been part of the community of matrimony for about 10 years now, although I lived on the outskirts 2 years prior, so this post may not make any sense for me to write about...BUT.....

It feels like I see so many people "fall in" of love, just to "fall out" again. Well, I'm here to say that sorry, ladies, that frog is just a frog. You may very well see him as a handsome prince when the butterflies are still in your stomach, but you know what? As soon as you digest those little bastards, you see him for what he is, warts and all.

What's so wrong about loving a frog? I mean, sure, they might be green and slimy, but hell, as long as he keeps the flies away, who's to complain? What I'm trying to say here is this:

Its not all flowers and rainbows and unicorn farts. Its compromise and tenderness and a willingness to let another person make mistakes, and love them for it. What's love? Oh yeah, that gooey feeling in your stomach, similar to the sinking feeling you get when you walk down the stairs and think it was the last step. The warm burning sensation you get in your.... well, you get it. I mean, yeah, but no. That's lust, buttercup. Love is not throwing a fit when your significant other wrecks the car. Love is making dinner without complaint, even though it's not your turn, because your wife is having an emotional breakdown due to stress and PMS (thanks, Boo!). Love is giving up the remote and listening to the awful squelching noises that your partner calls "signing", it's letting them pick the new color of paint for the office walls, and calling at just to say hi at lunch.

We all have tendencies to be selfish, hell, its evolution. But to promise your heart to someone and take it back because you "fell out of love", that's just downright mean. Love is hard work, man. Its a lot of give and take, and every once in a while we all feel that we give more than take, but thats our selfishness again..

I guess all I'm throwing out there is that there is no such thing as a prince, but if you find the right frog for you, you keep him.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Dude, you're not alone.

So for anyone who knows me, they know that I prefer not to talk about any bodily functions.


Along with denying I have any functions I also deny they affect me. BUT...... here goes.

I am a freak.
Once a month I turn into a snot-gurgling, whiny troll that hides in dark places and cries over the silliest things. Like spots in the carpet, my pants not reaching my ankle bones, and my husband thinking I'm crazy, even-though-I'm-acting-crazy-but-its-not-his-place-and-stop-looking-at-me-why-won't-you-just-hug-me-god-dammit-not-like-that-a-real-hug-fine-I-don't-want-your-pity-hugs-why-are-you-walking-away, and sometimes even the shape of my eyebrows.

But you know what? I'm not alone. Not even close, it is estimated that 10% of women suffer from PMDD, or Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (here is a link, I care not to essplain: )

Most likely if you came across this article, you just came out of a crazed "OMG this is it, I finally lost it and pushed all of my loved ones away" episode, and are frantically searching the inter-webs for advice (because that helps). Well, I can't help with the PTMSG (Post Traumatic Mood Swing Guilt - totally made that up, BTW), I can tell you that you're not alone.

So hang in there, sister, be aware that this too shall pass (for about 29 days) and know that knowledge is power.
