Sunday, December 23, 2012

Do this, feel jolly.

   Holidays are upon us, I know this because there are an alarmingly high number of elf hats and tacky sweaters in rotation, my electricity bill is much higher, I was ran over by a Wal-Mart cart and I have gift wrap paper-cuts.
   When did Christmas become so hectic? I think it was when I became the parent and was no longer the recipient of the magic. Now I'm the magician. Oh joy... I've been so busy trying to buy Christmas that I've skipped the real magic parts, the part about the family and the love and this dude named Jesus. I stepped back the other day and took a deep breath, analyzed myself and came to the conclusion of " I have no friggen idea what I'm doing here". After I came to my senses I put down the credit cards and came up with a list. This is a list of things that I should have done, to prepare myself mentally for Christmas, but didn't realize until it was crunch time. I urge you to try to do some of the things on the list, and feel the joy that it brings. Without further ado, I bring you

Sarindipity's "Holy crap I hope its not to late to fit this shit in" Christmas List:

1. Popcorn strings! Remember when you were a kid and you got to string popcorn all around the house? Do it again! I promise, it is much more fun after you have developed better fine motor skills, you'll only poke yourself half of the time. If you have kids its a fun way to share and catch up. Parent Bonus: Feel superior as the children prick themselves on a 2 to 1 ratio.

2.Christmas songs. Seriously, YouTube the instrumentals and have a blast belting out your favorite songs! Along with many good classics, Drummer Boy, Jingle Bells and the like, there are always the fun melodies for the light of heart. Who could forget Grandma got ran over by a reindeer and Randolf the bowlegged cowboy? Don't know any Christmas songs? Make up your own!

3. Tacky sweaters. Find and old sweater and cut out felt shapes to glue on. Add glitter, led lights, bells, etc. Make them as ridiculous as possible! This is an especially fun gift if you have In-Laws that are on your naughty list. Parent Bonus: Who can say no to a request to put on a hand-made sweater made with love? Oh, wait! Don't forget the pictures!

4. Salt dough ornaments. Make salt dough with 2 cups salt, 1 cup flour and warm tap water. Mix it up, shape it, bake it and paint it. Don't forget to make holes for the ornament hooks! Parent Bonus: Tell your kids its cookie dough before you start and let them have a taste. Its hilarious, promise.

5. Wrap your own gifts. Nothing makes you feel more giving and in the spirit of the season than tying ribbons around a gift. Get creative. Make your own bows, use fabric and felt. Add candy canes and bells. Make the presentation so great that nobody cares you are re-gifting.

6. Feel loved, give love, and fill your heart with love. Remember that Jesus doesn't care about Xbox 360's, DC's and Ipods. He cares about you caring for your neighbors. Do something humanitarian, soup kitchens are an excellent place to feel the power of giving. Parent Bonus: Volunteering your time for a good cause installs morals in your little monsters.

7. Last but definitely not least, go to church. Find a place where you can fill your heart with the spirit of Christ, He is, after all THE reason for the season.

These are the things that made my Christamas feel a little more wholesome, what do you do?
 Wishing you all very warm fuzzy feelings during this magical time of year!

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