Oh yes, you thought it was over, but you were so wrong. Christmas gets lost in all of the commercialism of our world today, so much that you'd think it was sponsored by "big industry". Well, my friends, if your are of the Christian persuasion, think again. All other religions may freely walk away at any time. Or don't. Really, the choice is up to you.

Christmas season is actually now officially here, the celebration is for the birth of this really cool guy named Jesus, they wrote whole book about him and everything. Christmas officially starts on the 24th and traditionally would not be decorated for until noon of that day, however Walmart would have you believe that you store the Thanksgiving turkey under the damn thing until time to eat. The Christmas holiday is the celebration of the birth of Jesus that begins by starting on the day he was born and ending on the Twelfth Night, or Epiphany. This happens on the 7th, yep, the tree stays till after New Years.

Epiphany is the ending day of Christmas marking the arrival of the Wise Men. However, originally Epiphany celebrated four different events. The first is the Baptism of the Lord, second, Jesus' first miracle (and my personal favourite) water into wine at the wedding in Cana, the Nativity of Christ and the visitation of the Wise Men. Us westerners like to cut to the chase and it shorten it up a bit.

So before you throw the tree to the curb and take down all the lights, maybe give a second thought to why we celebrate, and let the spirit linger a little longer.
This New Year have some wine, share some love and enjoy the promise of the good things to come. Just DO NOT light the sparklers next to the tree!
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