Monday, December 31, 2012

Cociane Cupcakes for your New Years Resolution

      No, I'm not going to give you a recipie, crazy. Instead, something much more interesting....and legal. Motivation for that weightloss goal. We all have one, weather its 5 or 50 pounds, everyone wants to lose weight, and rightfully so! We are, as you know, a nation of tubby lard-o's. So tubby, get ready to sink your teeth into some thought provoking stuff, sugar.

      Sugar is derived from natural sources (usually) mostly sugar cane or beets. The sugar is then stripped out of the glucose, processed and we are left with the sweet stuff. So we take a perfectly good plant, mess with it and make an addicting white powder. Just like cocaine. Huh. Who knew?

      Food companies, thats who. We all know you must eat to survive, but what to eat? The goal is food with low calories, high nutrition, just like Twinkies! Oh, wait. Food companies want you to buy their food, so how do we do that? Add cocaine of course! Crap, I meant hard to tell the difference. These companies want you to buy their product, duh, so they add sugar to EVERYTHING. Pasta, sauces, bread, salad dressings, vegetable juice, chewing gum, bacon, peanut butter, ketchup, crackers, pickles, lip gloss. Addiction is key, teach a man to fish, he eats for a lifetime, but get the man addicted to fish and open a market, and you'll make some money.

       Not only do they stick the crap in all thier products, they deviously re-name it. High fructose corn syrup, glucose, dextrose, galactose, maltose, maltodextrin. The list goes on, close to 100 different ways to say cocaine.. um, sugar.

        This is serious stuff, when you eat sugar, you get little "happy" chemicals sent to your brain and once those deminish your brain asks for more. So we give our bodies more, sometimes without even realizing thats whats going on. And it. is. in. everything. We know that drugs are addictive, but we feel a little silly saying we are addicted to sugar. Well, I'll be the first.
 I, Sarindipity, am addicted to sugar (Hi Sarindipity!)

 So instead of your every year New Year resolution, resolve to be sugar-free. Read your labels, love your life and have an excellent 2013.

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