Friday, December 21, 2012

So this is what it feels like...

Check it out.  This is my very first post on my very first blog. I realized today that I felt like I was missing out on a very bizarre and fascinating part of our culture. Not anymore! I type, therefore I blog. My mother-in-law has a blog, my neighbor has a blog, my sister has a blog, and now so do I. Sheep I am, but a confident one am I.  I have always loved to write, and thanks to this amazing thing called "the Internet" I can actually share my writing. Feel a sense of validity and maybe even pretend that some of its worth reading.
      I was doing the mother-ly thing, aka folding laundry and listening to Alice In Wonderland, when I though to myself, How can I get out of this? Duh! A blog, silly girl! So here I am, I hope I'm here to stay.  Guess I should share some things about myself. I am a mid 20's mom, I boyscout, I tball, I drink, I love exercising, and now... I blog. So now I feel weird, like I should have some encouraging words, or maybe something inspirational. All I got is "Ciao!"

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