I have lived a lot of places in my life, and when we're in warmer climates I always feel cheated around the winter holidays. I want the crunch of the fresh powder under my boots, the heat of the fire on my face and the sting of the cold on the tip of my nose. I considered getting creative with the kids' snow-cone machine and turning the AC on full blast, but decided not to do anything that would make the husband question my ability to be alone.

Let start with lights. Twinkling strands of colorful lights glistening in the snow you will not find, but LED palm trees, giant inflate-able Santa's drinking Coors and penguins in sombrero's are plentiful. In our "small drinking community with a large fishing problem" you will find the funniest, most creative outside displays you've ever laid eyes on. Want to dispute that? Go tell the guy down the street with the mechanical mooning Santa. Or the family that has the shot-gun shell garland wrapped around the roadside palm-trees.
Next lets talk attire. You have cheese-ball sweaters, we have cheese-ball Hawaiian shirts. Give me a soccer mom with a light up sweater and elf hat and I'll show you a drunk with a pair of red and blue swim trunks and rain boots with bells. Not only do the folks around here strive to be the most festively creative, I believe there is a rule that you must display your holiday cheer with some sort humor. Yesterday I saw a man wearing a snow cap with plastic parrots glued to it.

So from "my" town to yours I wish you a very merry Christmas, I raise my Bud Light towards the sky and rub in more sunscreen as I thank my lucky stars I'm not in Missouri, freezing my ass off.
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